At a high school in Florida, a 19-year-old boy named Nikolas Cruz opened fire and killed 17 people on Wednesday. It was the deadliest School Shooting in America since 2012. Now, political figures on both sides of the ideological fence have responded to the incident, but the Republicans are refusing to discuss the possibility of Gun control. Meanwhile, the frustrated Democrats and the people close to the victims of the shooting are calling for stricter gun control laws.

Senator Bill Nelson from Florida, a Democrat, has rhetorically asked when “enough [will] be enough,” since there’s gun violence and murders every single day and Congress still has yet to do anything about the laws. A gun control supporter named Chris Murphy tweeted, “Don’t tell me tomorrow isn’t the appropriate time to debate gun violence.” That’s the Republicans’ excuse every time something like this happens.

Donald Trump is ignoring the gun debate

In his address to the nation, US President Donald Trump did not mention the words “gun” or “firearm” once. One of the shooting victims’ mothers told CNN that she wants the President to “do something” about the gun violence in America, because “we need it now.” Republican Florida Senator Marco Rubio has said that it’s too soon to talk about the gun laws and that he doesn’t want anyone to “take away [his] Second Amendment rights.”