The FBI and the Department of Justice have been investigating potential connections between the meddling Russian government and the shady Presidential campaign of Donald Trump. Ever thought to yourself, Hey, it is strange that a racist reality TV star won the 2016 Presidential election? Well, that’s Russia for you. There have already been a few arrests made and a few Trump staffers have confessed to shady dealings with Russians, so it’s only a matter of time until the entire administration is brought to its knees.

For months now, President Trump has been vehemently denying that he is being included in Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, but a spokesperson for the House Intelligence Committee has finally set the record straight and confirmed that, actually, Trump is being investigated. The House Intelligence Committee member who made the announcement was Representative Adam Schiff from California of the Trump-maligning Democratic Party.

Schiff told CNN that with the investigation into other possible links between the staff of Trump’s election campaign and the government operatives of Russia, they are looking into “a whole range” of different people and carefully examining “what kind of relationships” they share with the people in Russia – the ranks, the paygrades, the meetings etc.

Schiff promised that the probe is “not excluding anybody,” and that includes president Trump.

‘We are follow the facts where they lead,’ says Schiff

According to Schiff, those involved in the Committee’s investigation are “ follow the facts” wherever they take them. However, he did make sure to note that he could only speak for his “side of the aisle,” the Democratic Party, who are “certainly” going to follow those facts and investigate that President. Schiff said that he could only “hope” that the Republican Party will show the same anti-Trump tendencies in the investigation, although we can’t exactly bank on that based on past events.

When Schiff was asked the question that was on everybody’s minds – whether or not President Trump was being included in the Russia probe – he was actually there to talk about George Papadopoulos, an unpaid Trump staffer who has confessed to giving false statements to the FBI, the kind of crime that gets you sent to Guantanamo Bay, never to be seen or heard from ever again.

Papadopoulos’ job entails advising the President on matters of foreign policy and foreign relations.

On Wednesday night, Trump was on the phone with The New York Times and told them, “I’m not under investigation, as you know.” But hah! He is! The Times asked the President about the recent indictments of his ex-campaign manager Paul Manafort and Manafort’s business partner Rick Gates. Trump said that those indictments had “nothing to do” with him and his administration. We’ll just see about that.

‘Nothing to do’ with you, Trump?

Despite the fact that President Trump said the recent indictments of his staff members have “nothing to do” with him, they actually do. The false statements made to the FBI by George Papadopoulos were regarding the meetings that Donald Trump, Jr., the President’s son, conducted with a Russian lawyer in order to gather “dirt” on Hillary Clinton that the Trump campaign could use to get ahead in the election race.

The lawyer was an academic with connections in the Kremlin, but she claims that she didn’t have any of the “dirt” that Trump, Jr. was after. President Trump and his staff, including White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, have dismissed Papadopoulos as a mere “volunteer,” but is he going to dismiss his own son?