Both Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn returned to parliament today as Prime Minister May faced her first challenge of this year. Politics in the UK has never been so exciting and eventful, as we are undergoing a period of transition. With the Conservative's power waning, the Labour Party turned out in full force as they attacked the government on various issues, ranging from Brexit to zero hour contracts.

Many expected the Leader of the Opposition to focus solely on Brexit, especially with the vote on the repeal bill coming up; however, in typical Corbyn fashion, he opted to focus on the plight of workers and stand up for the less fortunate. May once again struggled to answer questions and strayed from the topic regularly, something that we are now used to seeing. It was truly a great start to the political season.

Analysis of the session

The session began with both leaders paying their respects to the victims of the vicious terrorist attack in Barcelona. May then faced her first question, from Anna Soubry, a Conservative MP who wished to remain in the European Union.

She highlighted her concerns with regards to the new repeal bill, which she coined as an attempt of 'power grabbing,' by the government. The Prime Minister was surprisingly understanding of her concerns and even offered to discuss this issue with Anna Soubry later on. One must have been shocked to see Theresa May changing her tactics, as she proceeded to listen and understand the opposing views. Could this be a new style she is preparing to adopt or is this just because she was facing her fellow party member?

It seems when it came to addressing Jeremy Corbyn, Mrs. May was far from understanding. His first question was regarding the strike by McDonald's workers and May was quick to clarify that she had no position on this.

With the boss of the chain earning more than £8 million and some workers earning approximately £5 an hour, Corbyn was quick to condemn this gargantuan level of inequality. Theresa May, on the other hand, was not. The theme of workers continued, as Corbyn asked the Prime Minister about the amount of workers (almost a million) on zero hour contracts. He inquired whether her government would be tackling the issue of corporate greed.

Instead of answering his question, she proceeded to attack the previous Labour government. The two continued to face off, this time the NHS was bought up with Corbyn seeming infuriated that nurses were being forced to go to food banks. She once again refused to answer the question outright, instead opting to quote Conservative Party rhetoric in an attempt to seem strong, as she spoke of a 'stronger economy and a better future'.

Corbyn did not waver as he brought up the £1 billion being given to the DUP, he was curious to know where these funds were procured from. Their encounter was then brought to an end.

It seems the 'reincarnation of the Iron Lady', is nothing like Margaret Thatcher, something that is not at all surprising. She once again evaded answering questions and left many disappointed. The one ray of hope that was picked up on was that the government seems to be looking at plans to prevent children from going hungry in the holidays. These are plans that many have actually attributed to the Labour Party.

One thing that shocked many was the lack of questioning with regards to Brexit; it seems Corbyn was focused on attacking Conservative manifesto pledges instead.

This is quite surprising, considering the leaked documents that seem to be placing EU migration at risk. It was brought up, however not as much focus was placed on it as many had hoped. With Labour seeming to have reached an official position with regards to Brexit, it may become the focal point of their strategy in the near future.

What's next for British Politics?

We have a week until the next showdown and until then there is plenty more to come. We are still yet to witness the debate on the repeal bill, something that could inevitably shock us all. Be prepared for enthralling political debates and exchanges in the run up to this vote.

Moreover, with rumours circulating, claiming that the Tories are in turmoil, we could even potentially see a change in leadership if Brexit fails.

However, with Jacob Rees Mogg’s comments this morning, could we see a new face entering the running for leadership of the party? With him opposing gay marriage and even having backwards views with regards to abortion, he does not seem like a person that can lead the party in this modern era. It is truly an exciting and scary time to be involved in British politics.