US President Donald Trump has kicked off the Made in America Week at the white house, where he’s celebrating products made in America, like a cowboy hat from Texas or a baseball bat from Louisiana or a fire engine from Wisconsin. He wants the companies of America to produce all of their products domestically, per the “America First!” policy, but he doesn’t manufacture domestically himself.
Sean Spicer dodged questions on the matter
When he was questioned by reporters at the event about the international manufacturing done by the Trump Organisation and Ivanka Trump, Press Secretary Sean Spicer did not confirm that they would commit to the promise made by Trump himself that American companies will “stop manufacturing wares abroad.”
In fact, Spicer flat out confirmed that President Trump would not adhere to his own policy.
He used a bunch of fancy words to distract the press, saying that “what’s really important" is Trump's agenda. He used technical jargon like "regulatory relief" and "tax relief” to throw the reporters off the scent. But that's not what's important. The really important thing in all of this is whether or not the business mogul President of the United States will stick to his own rules about manufacture. And according to Spicer, who said this outright, he won't. Spicer made some lame excuses for Trump, about how in certain situations, there are very specific "supply chains" and issues with "scalability" that wouldn't work in America. Right, well, if the President enforcing these rules can use those excuses, why can't everybody else?
During Hillary Clinton’s campaign, when Trump was harping on about “America First!” she held up a Trump-brand tie that was made in China. That should’ve clinched the election for her, but unfortunately, we live in The Twilight Zone.