President Donald Trump’s state visit to the UK has been thrown into question after Commons Speaker John Bercow vowed not to let him speak at Parliament and 1.85 million Britons signed a petition to have the visit canned. Prime Minister Theresa May still wants the President to visit, as does the Queen, who has invited him to meet her (supposedly so she can kill him and then get away with it).

MPs say Trump is ‘disgusting’ and ‘immoral’

The words that the MPs have been bandying around to describe Trump are the likes of “disgusting” and “immoral” and “racist” and “sexist” and it’s all classic liberal descriptions of him and all valid reasons to cancel the state visit. The MPs are also taking May to take, calling the state visit offer an act of “desperation” on her part. She offered him the state visit a mere seven days after he was inaugurated into the White House and his role as President.

Paul Flynn from Labour called Trump a “petulant child,” while the same party’s Daniel Zeichner said that he “represents the very opposite of the values we hold.” Green Party MP Caroline Lucas criticised Trump’s “effrontery to basic climate science,” while Alex Salmond from SNP believes that May’s “desperate” invitation to Trump was an obvious plea for a trade deal following Brexit, which she is supporting with her head held high, despite the undeniable pitfalls. There are protesters outside Parliament echoing these views, with picket signs reading: “No Trump, no Brexit; no racist EU exit,” and “Hey hey, hey ho; Trump and Brexit’s got to go.”