Money talks could certainly be said about this year's election and its winners. However, to win by a majority it would need those lower down the food chain to take their pencils and vote too. Despite fears of an increasingly disengaged public, voting figures are said to be the highest since 1997 at 66%.
So why did people vote? Was it a vote for a conservative manifesto?
Was it for David Cameron? Or was it a vote built from fear? Has David Cameron got everyone believing that things are truly better? Has David CAmeron looked after the money of all businesses? Not multi-million pound businesses but everyday businesses like those you find on the street corner.
Whatever the reason for the cross in the conservative box, the fact is that the UK is now led by a conservative majority Parliament that won 331 seats, a majority of 12 seats and securely beyond the 326 seats required. No one, not even Mr. Cameron thought this would happen. So much so that pundits were working out the many different combinations that could form the new government.
It was an unexpected win and although a clear beating compared to the other parties, a majority of 12 is a slender win. John Major won his election year with a majority of 21 and lost the following election in a Labour landslide. I'm sure these thoughts will remain mute as David Cameron revels in his own triumph of finally winning an election on his own.
It was an election full of surprises as the numbers rolled in. Labour secured just 232 seats, 26 seats less tha Browns election loss to the coalition. Among the labour seats lost to the conservatives was Ed Balls constituency. The poor performance of his party led to the resignation of Ed Miliband; Harriet Harman has stepped in to the leader of the Labour party position on a temporary basis.
Tom Watson now becomes favourite to fill her position as deputy. Liberal Democrats won just 8 seats, a loss of 49 seats from the previous election. A crushing defeat that may well be the fallout from a coalition formed with a conservative government. Nick Clegg also resigned from his post as leader of the Liberal Democrats. The SNP may well feel like they have won the election themselves having taken 56 seats, 50 more than in 2010. Nigel Farage failed to win his Thanet South constituency as UKIP won just 1 seat. Farage has resigned but has not ruled out running for party leadership again in September. The Green Party also only won just the 1 seat, with the former leader of the green party Caroline Lucas the only candidate to secure their seat.
So Cameron prepares to lead a one-nation government that is for the working people who believe in working hard and doing the right thing. He promises to lead with respect and implement devolution as soon as possible. David Cameron pledges to create 3 million more apprentices, provide more help with child care, and help 30 million cope with the cost of living by cutting their taxes. His manifesto goes on to claim more homes will be built that people are able to buy and own. Millions of jobs will be created that give people a better chance for the future. There will also be that referendum on the in/out issue of the EU.
So now Mr. Cameron, it surely must be cometh the hour cometh the man.
The politicians asked the UK to vote and they did. The choice has been made and it's time for promises to be fulfilled. The childish name calling will now abate for just a while, only to be replaced by the arrogance and smug grins of the victors. The UK must now contemplate their fate as written by their hand.