In the run up to May's general election, David Cameron will be revealing a new package of cuts to welfare where by according to him; the government will save £12 billion while ring fencing pensioner benefits.

It would appear in the package that those who are drug or alcohol addicted or those who are obese and relying on state handouts for their daily bread as it were, will be those in the firing line.

David Cameron has stated that such people do not help themselves and if they refuse treatment then they will either lose their benefits or face £100.00 drop in what they do get off the state.

Obviously these measures when they come into force presumably at the state opening of the next parliament and if the Conservatives by some miracle are still in government will be rolled out then. Many charities and medical groups and other political parties will oppose these measures, stating that yet again Mr Cameron and his cronies are pulling the mat from underneath the poor in this governments attempts to defeat the economic situation we find ourselves in.

Are these measures fair in targeting the addicted and obese? In some ways yes, it could be stated that all or some of these people at least have got into a hole and need the stimulation and help to get back on track and get back to work and lead happy and productive lives once more. On the other hand the government could be accused of hitting the weakest in society just to save money because such people as the above mentioned are an easy target. Those who are addicted or obese no doubt are lazy and deserve a kick up the old proverbial backside but there are those who are genuinely depressed and use drugs,alcohol or food as a crutch to get through life and once again the government could be accused of using the one size fits all mode when it clearly doesn't.

When the government brings out or are bringing out a raft of measures to supposedly help those who are addicted or obese it is difficult to tell what the governments intentions are all with all this. If these measures are genuinely aimed at helping those less fortunate than good, but I remain to be convinced.