US Vice President Mike Pence is in Jerusalem meeting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, meanwhile, Palestinian leaders have refused to meet with Mr Pence because of Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Ever since Mr Trump recognised Jerusalem as Israel's capital riots and clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian protestors have become a daily occurrence. Mr Netanyahu, however, said during his meeting with Mr Pence that the US-Israeli alliance had never been stronger.
Mr Netanyahu criticised his Palestinian opposite number rebuking Mahmoud Abbas for not meeting with Mr Pence.
Mr Netanyahu was critical of the Palestinians rejecting the US as an honest broker for peace. Mr Pence meanwhile said it was an honour "to be in the Israeli capital".
Mr Abbas in Brussels
Mahmoud Abbas will be meeting European Union foreign ministers to get recognition for the state of Palestine, and also hoping to breathe new life into the two-state solution. It is apparent that Mr Abbas will be looking for a counter-weight to use as a bulwark now he feels he cannot trust the US anymore to deliver peace.
The European Union it seems has always had close relations with the Palestinians so Mr Abbas will be looking to them to replace the US as an honest broker for peace. Of course, suggesting this is one thing but whether or not this comes into practice is another.
It is quite possible you may end up with the EU speaking for the Palestinian side and the US for the Isreali side.
As with everything in the Middle East nothing seems to go as planned particularly where Israel and Palestine are concerned.
Is the two-state solution dead in the water?
Many pundits would say with Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital the peace process is dead - it is not even on life support it is no longer with us.
Certainly, the Palestinians and the Israelis have not negotiated with each other in what seems like many years. Obviously, when it comes to security on the West Bank there is co-operation between the Israeli government and Palestinian Authority. There will be some inter-government talks on a low-level basis but as for peace talks a definite no.
What clout the European Union has with the Israelis as regards to influencing them to come to peace talks is uncertain. The Israelis will know that the EU appears to be even-handed in any peace talks but seem to be more pro-Palestinian. Same for the Palestinians who feel the US is always more towards Israel in proposed or actual peace talks.
Are we being a little hard on Trump though? Could it be he really does have a solution for peace between the two sides? Are the Palestinians jumping out of the frying pan into the fire when they should be staying calm and seeing what develops with Trump?
If any President of the US or even the EU could bring everlasting peace between the two sides that indeed would be a miracle. It would be a defining moment in history and no doubt in the career of a US President and also for the EU.