Since becoming Leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn has certainly encouraged a new kind of politics, but it is not the 'kinder, gentler' image he proclaims to represent. Since Momentum's birth, they have done nothing but encourage a new, nasty and negative political culture that is beginning to redefine what Labour stands for.

"Momentum followers are using social media as a platform to bully Labour MPs"

Momentum followers are using social media as a platform to bully certain Labour MPs into being deselected and removed from the Labour Party. The latest victim of this culture is Stella Creasy. After tweeting that she was attending a concert with Conservative MPs, she was approached by The Skwawkbox, a pro-Corbyn blog, which suggested there was a public interest for Labour members to know why she was mixing with Tories. This was after she said David Cameron should be judged for the company he keeps.

The Skwawkbox does not understand what the public interest is.

According to the IPSO Code, the public interest is anything which jeopardises people's safety to exposing hypocrisy among public officials. Ms Creasy's actions are not hypocritical. Her attack then was directed at David Cameron himself, not Tory MPs generally. It is a great display of open-mindedness for MPs of all parties to socialise with each other. There is no public interest here. It is a pathetic excuse by Momentum trolls to bully a moderate Labour MP. The worst thing is, Mr. Corbyn does nothing to distance himself from their actions.

"His new year's resolution should be to disband Momentum altogether"

Towards the end of 2017, the Labour Leader was asked by Chuka Umuna MP why he won't dissolve Momentum.

Mr. Corbyn refused to condemn this group for their horrific actions. In an ideal world, his new year's resolution should be to disband Momentum altogether. These Corbynistas are making moderate Labour supporters feel politically homeless and abusing them for having different views. The Labour Party's unifying belief is social justice. Why can't all of Labour's activists and politicians unite around achieving this aim before the party transforms into a Marxist movement?

However, the problem with new year's resolutions is that not many people fulfill them. In this case, don't even expect Mr. Corbyn to make a resolution to end Momentum. It's about as imaginative as his socialist utopia.