Since the mid-2000s, UKIP has been a thorn-in-the-side for the Conservatives. Many voters and activists disenchanted with the latter party's quarrels over the EU led traditional Tories to abandon their natural party. Indeed, it was a Eurosceptic surge prior to Cameron's Bloomberg speech that led the former prime minister to issue an EU Referendum in 2015. A study commissioned after the 2010 General Election said the Brexit party's support cost the Conservatives quite a few seats.
Kippers must lend Tory MPs their support
Yet this general election is unique, because it is the first one where the Tories have committed to pulling Britain out of the EU, which has been UKIP's raison d'etre since its formation.
For too long, Farage's party has cast a dark shadow over the Conservatives' electoral prospects. It is now the duty of Kippers to lend their support to Tory MPs to ensure leaving the EU finally becomes a reality. The alternative is worse. Corbyn cannot publicly commit to Britain leaving the EU. As Robin Walker said in a recent interview with Blasting News, his position on the issue changes all the time. If he wins those six seats likely to create a hung parliament, he will inevitably be strung along by Sturgeon and Farron, whose views on leaving the EU are hardly a secret.
Many UKIP supporters may be sceptical of Theresa May's commitment to leaving the EU because she supported Britain's EU membership last year.
But if one studies the long history of the Conservative Party, you will see that our current prime minister is part of the long history of pragmatic responses to radical changes in this country. She has accepted the result and is helping to shape a post-Brexit Britain.
It is time for the centre-right to unite behind our Prime Minister and not allow Corbyn a backdoor entrance into Downing Street on Friday morning.