Well, it has all started again after the lull, with only 10 days to go before polling day. It was only right of course that all electioneering stopped last Week after the terrible atrocity in Manchester, and suitable respects were paid to the dead and injured of the worst terrorist attack in the UK since London in 2005.
A right old bodge up?
After a hammering from, well everyone, on the two glaring issues of her manifesto - that of the dementia tax and attitudes towards social care, and to a lesser extent, the meagre provisions for schoolkids - Theresa May did the unthinkable, she tore up the document and will re - launch it again later this week.
Much has been made of the ill-thought out policies, and certainly, some of the Tory hierarchy were furious that their own party was kicking their key supporters, the elderly. It may have been a U-Turn, but with the rethink that backtracking brings, they will come out fighting again, this time on the Brexit front. Returning to the war-cry of "Theresa May is the only one who can handle the job properly." The past 10 days have been a scare for a government who were obviously caught out. With victory once a forgone conclusion, it may not be quite as simple as they once thought. The polls now standing at Conservatives 43% and Labour on 36%. So, not the handsome result they may have once expected.
Labour are none too clever either
Labour, of course, failed to capitalise on the Conservative confusion. Little "Miss Blunder," Diane Abbott angrily stormed that the relations of the Manchester victims were not being informed quickly enough. It was tactfully explained that most of the bodies were in such a deplorable state that it was not a simple job of identification - wisely she shut up.
The following day her,' 'Dear leader,' did not help matters with a decidedly anti-interventionist speech on the links between overseas military activity by our forces and the resultant terrorist activity at home. In all honesty, at a moment of national crisis it was one that the public did not wish to hear, as they equate leadership as safety, strength and determination.
Certainly not blame.
The also-rans paraded their manifesto's to no one's great excitement, perhaps realising that they have done too little to change the voter's views, one way or another. A week may be a long time in politics, but as the great Scot's poet Robert Burns once wrote, "The best-laid schemes of mice and men, gang aft agley (astray.)" Exactly how agley? Well, only the next 10 days will tell.