It's 2017 and yet we still need to campaign for everyone to be equal and have equal rights. Racism is something that is still clearly an issue in many communities and has increased during the wake of the Brexit referendum. There have been many advancements in stopping racism however it is still the biggest issue and challenge facing our communities today as unless we view each other as equal and stop fighting each other how can we solve other issues facing the country.
What is Anti-Racism day?
Anti-racism day is held by the stand up to racism charity. This charity has its grassroots in many of the 1970s left-wing anti-fascist groups. The 1970s showed a rise of political activism between the left and right, particularly marches and demonstrations. The left would often combat the far right and the series of race attacks they committed due to the increase in immigration from Afro-Caribbean communities after the 1960s. The day aims to raise awareness of some of the social injustices many of a different race face. This year the campaign will be mostly centred around Trump and Brexit, with trumps increasingly racist policies and the uncertainty of EU citizens rights in Britain.
However, it should tackle further topics such as the lack of other ethnicities in politics and other professions.
What can you do to be involved?
Saturday the 18th will feature a series of marches and demonstrations across the country. The website for stand up to racism provides information about how one can get involved in the protests. Some cities have also arranged transport to bigger events and London. However, if you can not make the event as some supporters won't be able to, if possible share a thought on social media to promote the day and spread the word.
Why is it important?
Europe and the western world is currently facing an increase in popularism mostly from the far right. Popularism is the increase in extremist parties and candidates.
Popular parties originally started as protest votes however they have now spread to the political mainstream. This is increasingly dangerous, an example is Donald Trump's election, the possible election of Le Pen in France and the rise of Sinn Fein in Ireland. By spreading the word of stand up to racism on anti-racism day it shows that populism will not continue to prosper.