It seems for the first time that the Labour Party finally knows what it stands for in regards to Brexit, as shown by Sir Keir Starmer MP's performance on The Andrew Marr Show this morning.
'Corbyn at odds with Labour'
But let's be clear, it has taken Labour an awfully long time to get there since June 23rd last year. It is no secret that Corbyn has supported leaving the EU and its pre-existing bodies for his entire political career. But since becoming leader of a pro-EU party, his colleagues' position has put his principles at odds with theirs.
Perhaps the consequences of defeat in Copeland and almost losing Stoke Central this year were the triggers Labour required to clarify their Brexit policy?
'A pragmatic position'
But what we learnt from Starmer's interview this morning is that he has parked his party's tanks on the lawns of Labour voters flocking to UKIP, Tory Remain voters anxious about Brexit and those of the Lib Dems.
He wants his party to be a voice for those who abandoned Labour due to the lack of concern they have shown over the years to their own voters on the issue, for those who believe the Conservatives will jeopardise Brexit, and others who believe the Lib Dems are the only voice for Remainers.
It is a purely pragmatic position. One that aims to please everyone. It is a pity they failed to clarify it sooner, otherwise they would not be in such a mess. Or would they?