MPs have been debating whether to allow Donald Trump’s state visit to go ahead. Following his travel ban that has been branded a ‘Muslim ban’, by none other than himself, many global leaders and politicians have spoken out against him and an e-petition on Parliament’s website garnered around 1.8 million signatures. Even the Speaker, who remains neutral, declared that he was against Trump speaking in parliament.
Since the furore began and protests Trump’s state visit, it has since been moved but has so far been refused to be cancelled by the government.
Boris reveals he has been mistake for Trump
During a debate in parliament Alex Salmond stood up in Parliament and asked “given the Foreign Secretary, who once famously declared he wouldn’t to go to New York in case he was mistaken for Mr Trump, is there any chance President Trump will not come to London on a state visit in case he mistaken for the Foreign Secretary?”
This got laughs across the House and caused Boris Johnson to reveal that he has been mistaken for Trump on more than one occasion:
The Trump conundrum
Despite the laughs and light-heartedness of the question, that distracts us from the harsh realities of the situation. What is the correct course of action? The idea of banning Trump should be a simple no; however, he represents a wider problem with American politics and his administration.
Recent polls have shown that his popularity as President has decreased and after Kellyanne Conway’s Bowling Green massacre, he has since declared Sweden is experiencing issues due to their immigration policy.
Those apparent issues have since been debunked.
The Senior Advisor to the President, Stephen Miller, is far more dangerous than the President himself. A Jewish born Major in Political Science, he turned to conservatism at an early age, it was him and Steve Bannon who helped draft the Executive Order for the Travel Ban.
Whilst Trump is highly conservative and inherently fascist, he doesn’t understand government to be able to lead.
However, his closest aides like Miller and Bannon understand law and government. These two are more dangerous, because they have the knowledge to be able to get Trump to enact what they want.
During an interview, Miller said “we have a judiciary that has taken far too much power and become, in many cases, a supreme branch of government...
Our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”
He has since been condemned by many and what he said could create further distrust in the media. By calling them ‘enemies’ he echoes Trump’s remarks, previously the media were called ‘enemies of the people’ by Richard Nixon during the Watergate scandal and before that, Adolf Hitler, who used the rhetoric to arrest and detain political and media opposition. More recently, The Daily Mail ran the headline ‘Enemies of the people’ after judges upheld British law.
What would banning Trump Achieve?
Banning Trump could add fuel to their rhetoric and strengthen their cause, because Trump himself isn’t dangerous because he doesn’t have the political knowledge.
But it is who he surrounds himself with that makes him dangerous. Equally, allowing him to visit could give him a larger platform to express himself and encourage more support.
Trump needs to be removed as POTUS because of who he has placed within his administration. Banning his visit also creates further disdain for British politics because of the government previously hosting leaders from Saudi Arabia and countries with terrible human rights abuses.
Allow his visit to go ahead but simply don’t allow him to speak in parliament and give him as little airtime as possible, only report the necessary and continue to highlight his lies and incompetency. Leave the satire to the satirists and the media needs to stop openly mocking Trump, because it will only strengthen his cause and resolve.