The year 2016 was a year of both highs and lows for the WWE. From AJ Styles phenomenal debut at last year's Royal Rumble, to his short-lived run opposing James Ellsworth; this shows just how something can turn over the course of the year. Styles is now set for his third singles match with John Cena, who he holds two victories over already in singles competition. Cena-Styles III is sure to tear down the Alamodome, however, they are not the only marquee stars appearing at this year's event.

Bill Goldberg and Brock Lesnar are sure to clash during the titular match, and it is expected with The Undertaker appearing on RAW this coming Monday, he too will enter the 'Rumble. Those names mean that the card is already going to be packed, and when you consider that Dean Ambrose is going to face off with The Miz, Kevin Owens faces off with Roman Reigns, as well as the possibility of surprise returns? It should be a great event.

Surprise Entrants

The Royal Rumble is famous for having its surprise entrants and returns, and this year the hype is possibly higher than ever. Will Finn Balor return from injury in time for the match?

Will we see Kurt Angle back in a WWE ring? Will Triple H return and cost Seth Rollins, setting up their Wrestlemania encounter? It is all undecided and highly unpredictable - something the WWE should be commended for. Whilst Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton will be around, either tag-teaming or in the main event itself, will Orton turn on Wyatt? There are so many ways this event could play out.

Best In years?

All these ingredients mean that the WWE could possibly have the best Royal Rumble in years on its hands. It is truly unpredictable what will happen, something we haven't truly seen for a long time. There are at last count at least 9 possible winners in a variety of ways;

  • Finn Balor returns to win
  • Seth Rollins wins and moves to Smackdown to challenge AJ Styles
  • The Undertaker wins to set up a match with John Cena who beat AJ Styles for the title
  • Randy Orton wins and leaves the Wyatts
  • Brock Lesnar wins
  • Bill Goldberg wins
  • Chris Jericho wins and goes on to break-up with Kevin Owens
  • Sami Zayn wins as he has been building support this year
  • Finally, The Miz caps off a career year and wins the match

Ok maybe Sami Zayn might be a little bit far-fetched, but still, the others could all win the match. All of this means that WWE has an amazing PPV on their hands. Let's hope that it is a great night.