Donald Trump’s twitter account has set fire again. On Saturday Donald Trump sent a tweet where he accused China of stealing in an 'unpresidented' act, a US Navy drone which was investigating in international waters. The tweet was first sent at 7:30AM and was deleted and replaced by its edited version where he claimed it was an 'unprecedented' act. It is not the first time the US President-elect Donald Trump misused his Twitter account.
This tweet was sent after Obama urged him not to disregard US relations with China after Trump’s secret phone calls with Taiwanese leaders, and China’s reaction to Trump’s questions about Taiwan's policy.
Asian countries
Concerns among Asian countries had been raised during the American presidential campaign, as they want to secure a trade deal with the United States. Some Asian countries are expected to overcome America’s economy by 2020. But this trade might seem far away from succeeding thanks to the lack of foreign diplomacy experience of Donald Trump. China, the world's second largest economy, has complained about Trump to current American leaders, urging them to find a solution and not rip off what they have been working on.
Trump's Twitter account
Donald Trump might know how to connect with new voters and sell them the idea that because he is a businessperson, he knows how to ‘make America great again’. But what we have seen so far is that he lacks political experience, and he even needs help to manage his social media channels, so how can we forget Obama’s words on Trump’s Twitter account, "If somebody cannot handle a Twitter account, they cannot handle the nuclear codes".
Donald Trump is going to need a great team of bright people who can help him with his statements on others countries' leaders, and complement his deficiency on public affairs. Otherwise, he would have a difficult time maintaining the strong international relations that Obama had built, and the rumours about a possible impeachment might come true, as soon as he takes over the White House.