During the last decades, the desire to get rid of everything that makes us look less beautiful is one of the reasons that drives us to perform almost all kinds of aesthetic procedures and Intimate Hair Removal is one of them. Although, in the medical aspect, the appearance of pubic hair fulfils an important anatomical mission; that of keeping our genital areas protected. Both women and men have decided to leave it behind by means of total procedures to enjoy a cleaner look of themselves.

What is the mission of the hair?

Contrary to what many people think because it is an unnecessary feature that most people count on, the hair fulfils the mission of keeping our intimate areas at a suitable temperature that not only serves for its protection but also to remove moisture and prevent the onset of infections. However, letting them grow or not is a subjective matter, since while some girls prefer total hair removal, others choose to maintain their natural state.

Disadvantages of Total Intimate Hair Removal

Some can be a bit painful according to the means that you use to achieve them and many specialists recommend not having sex immediately after doing so, this is because you are more prone to infections.

You should wear soft underwear since your areas are exposed and using too tight lingerie or less soft material can cause you discomfort and even infections.

Advantages of epilation

The feelings now of being with your partner are much more pleasant since there is no barrier or layer that allows you to feel it totally. Aesthetically, it works much better, especially if you plan to go to the beach with your friends and you may even feel more comfortable with your own appearance. You should only consider the possibility of attending with a professional regarding the method of hair removal of your choice. In addition, remember that good hair removal prevents possible infections.

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