Studies and statistics show that one in six people have a Common mental disorder (CMD) such as depression and anxiety. It is estimated that 7.8% of people meet the criteria for a diagnosis of a CMD and perhaps that number would be higher if there were less Stigma and more people sought to get the help they require.
Mental Health has come a long way in recent years, however, there are many who still feel they must hide their illnesses from loved ones, and particularly employers, because of how other’s will feel towards them.
‘40% of people surveyed said they would be comfortable talking to their employer about mental health problems, although nearly half
(48%) said they would feel 'uncomfortable’
From a personal point of view, I have been in a position before where I didn’t feel I could attend work, and instead of telling my boss that I was suffering from depression, I said that I felt ill. When I was younger, I even quit a part time job, whilst I was going through some personal difficulties and couldn’t face working anymore due to my mental health problems, but never told anyone about it.
The stigma surrounding mental health is proving particularly damaging for young people, a study found that almost half of those surveyed by YouGov for the Prince’s Trust said they had experienced a mental health problem.
A third of those surveyed said they felt that admitting mental health problems could cause problems when finding employment.
The number of work days taken off due to mental disorder related problems is increasing 25% year on year, according to the Office for National Statistics. The largest reasons for workplace absence is thought to be anxiety, stress and depression.
It is thought that 127 million hours were lost in 2015 due to CMD related absence.
These findings suggest that more attention needs to be given to mental illnesses; to ensure that individuals are receiving the help they need and that the stigma surrounding mental disorders is improved so that people can discuss freely how they feel, and so that businesses are not losing profit and good people.
Perhaps educating children from early ages about 'invisible illnesses' could help to eliminate stigma and their fears of seeking help. Or perhaps, ensuring all businesses are up to date with their company’s policy on mental health and follow the procedures to allow their employees to feel comfortable.