Twitter and other social media platforms were alive with posts and humorous comments last year, after a man, captured on CCTV footage stealing from a supermarket, appeared to look a lot like Ross from the US sitcom “Friends.” David Schwimmer even jokingly made a video, pretending to be stealing beer from a New York City supermarket, to show he was not in the UK at the time.

As reported by the Blackpool Gazette, since that time, police have captured the thief and recently released a mugshot of Abdulah Husseini, 36, the actual criminal. It turns out he looks nothing like David Schwimmer in the mugshot.

Maybe the facial hair makes the difference.

Thief who doesn’t look like Ross arrested

Husseini was arrested on Monday 21 January 2019 after failing to attend a court appearance in the Blackpool Magistrates’ Court on 18 December, where he was accused of fraud and theft, dating back to September 2018. A district judge issued a warrant for his arrest and Lancashire Police on Monday advised that the suspected criminal was taken into custody by the London Metropolitan Police on 17 January.

The BBC reports that Husseini also failed to appear in court on charges of an outstanding theft and for the handling of stolen goods, so his charges are piling up.

Social media was alive last year over Schwimmer ‘lookalike’

Blackpool Police originally released a CCTV image of the thief, leaving a restaurant in that city on 20 September with a handful of beer cans. People on social media immediately commented on the likeness of the suspect to Ross Geller in the popular US sitcom “Friends.”

As noted above, David Schwimmer immediately responded on seeing the image, adding the funny footage of him carrying cans of beer in a New York supermarket.

Schwimmer tweeted the Blackpool Police, swearing it wasn’t him and saying as they could see, he was in New York at the time of the theft. Schwimmer went on to wish the police good luck with their investigation with the humorous hashtag #itwasntme.

In the Blackpool Crime, the BBC reports Husseini, of Spencer Road, Slough, stands accused of stealing a phone, wallet and coat from a Blackpool restaurant.

According to a statement by Lancashire Police, the suspect has been remanded to appear at the Wimbledon Magistrate’s Court on 23 January 2019.

Schwimmer is now definitively cleared of any involvement in the crime, whether jokingly or not and at this stage does not appear to have a criminal doppelganger!