The Indian film Industry and Bollywood are in the state of turmoil after the bombing of two blockbusters at the box-office. The films "Thugs of Hindustan and "Zero" starring Aamir Khan and Shahrukh Khan has dented their popularity as the films have not done very well at the box office. In such a scenario the Film "Simmba" starring Ranveer Singh is heading for release on Friday, 28, December 2018.

The trailer of the film and the publicity buildup show that Ranveer Singh is in great form almost akin to a lion. The role of a policeman who is corrupt and has a change of heart after he comes across a brutal rape of a girl he is close to is just what the Indian masses like. IBN Times has reported that news of the film's release has got a good response from the people.


Along with Ranveer Singh, the film stars Sonu Sood and Sara Ali Khan who is the sister of the film star Saif Ali Khan. The film is presented by Karan Johar and directed by Rohit Shetty. It draws heavily on the successful Singham series which starred Ajay Devgan.

The world news has reported that "Simmba" is an official remake of South film "Temper."


Ranveer Singh has risen up the ranks in the Bollywood hierarchy, and his last two films have been super hits. In the film, "Padmaavat" Ranveer played the role of the Sultan of Delhi, Alauddin Khilji. He also played the role of the Maratha Warrior Bajirao in the film "Mastani." These hits have brought Ranveer into the top bracket of Bollywood, and there is a good chance in case the Khan's slip, then here is one contender ready to take their place. Ranveer Singh recently married his co-star Deepika Padukone, and the marriage was a celebrated affair in Italy. Deepika also is a top film actress in her own right, and the union between the two has enthralled fans of both the stars.

All the three Khans are on the wrong side of 50, and obviously, age is catching up with them. They are also guilty of not presenting anything new and relying on their own charisma to carry the films at the box office. Unfortunately, they failed to realize the age-old adage of cinema that "Content is King."

Step into the Khans shoes

Younger stars like Ranveer Singh have now a great chance to step into the shoes and fill the vacuum as and when it is created with the exit of the three Khans. The film "Simmba" is in that direction. Ranveer has put in a lot of hard work, and the film which will have a lot of action scenes is a'masala' that is well like by Indian audiences. The promotion ads of the film point to a great role by Ranveer Singh. It appears only Ranveer has a significant role in the film though Sonu Sood as the opponent will be a good foil. It will be interesting to watch how this Film fares at the box office.