The latest adaptation of “The Grinch” is arriving in UK cinemas on Friday and the animated Film has Benedict Cumberbatch as the voice of the titular character. The “Sherlock” actor says the new take on the beloved Dr. Seuss story comes at the perfect time.

Meanwhile, the Hollywood Reporter tells an interesting tale about the Grinch and his story, noting that horror actor Boris Karloff played his last role as the voice behind the Christmas thief before he died three years later. Of course, comedian Jim Carrey is also famed for having played the iconic role in 2000.

Benedict Cumberbatch and moviegoers’ hearts

Cumberbatch was interviewed by CNN about his latest role as the voice behind the green and loveable character. He said the animated holiday story once again comes at the perfect time. He hopes the story will grow people’s hearts.

In the latest take on the story, initially, the Grinch is against everything happy and most especially Christmas. However, Cumberbatch says his character eventually realises that the festive holidays are not just about materialism. He discovers that Christmas is all about kindness, joy and generosity. The actor went on to say love and kindness are things everyone needs the most, adding that the world needs plenty of both characteristics these days.

Cumberbatch did say he felt a lot of pressure playing the voice of such an iconic character, but he likes a challenge. He said the Grinch is not the first iconic character that he has played and he hopes to play more in the future. Benedict stressed that it was a great role that he was asked to play.

Why the Grinch got so grumpy

Dr. Seuss’s book has been adapted before, most especially the 2000 film where Jim Carrey played the green and iconic character to perfection.

However, according to Cumberbatch, the new animated film gives more detail as to why the Grinch was so against Christmas and everything it entails. It turns out the Grinch was an orphan and was deprived of the normal family love and joy and also the spirit of being in a community.

This makes him an outsider, isolated from everyone else and is understandably full of hate and anger.

The story was previously adapted into an animated TV special in 1966 and as noted by the Hollywood Reporter, famed horror actor Boris Karloff voiced the Grinch and narrated the story. That report notes that Karloff was going through a rough time. He was 79 years of age and suffering from emphysema. While Karloff died three years after playing the role, he did receive a Grammy, which was the only major award he earned during his career.

In the YouTube video below, Karloff doesn't mince any words when singing about the nasty character.

The latest version of “The Grinch” premieres in cinemas on Friday, 9 November and also features the voices of Angela Lansbury, Rashida Jones, Pharrell Williams and Kenan Thompson.