The Expanse” has been dubbed to be the science fiction show of this decade as compared to “Battlestar Galactica” in the last decade. This excellent show was originally cancelled by the American science fiction channel, SyFy but is now alive and well with a fourth season on Amazon Prime.

Amazon and Jeff Bezos to the rescue

As reported by Gizmodo, after “The Expanse” was cancelled, fans made themselves known for being upset about the cancellation. These fans include some high-profile people, like Will Wheton, George RR Martin and Patton Oswalt. Due to the outcry, Amazon decided to save the popular sci-fi show.

CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, who Digital Spy note is a great fan of the show himself, made an announcement when he was speaking at the National Space Society.

The cast and crew of the show attended the talk. Bezos said he had just received word that “The Expanse” has been saved, adding that the cast and crew were “unbelievably talented,” and saying he is glad they are able to continue.

Producers excited that the ‘The Expanse’ will continue on Amazon Prime

Andrew Kosove and Broderick Johnson of Alcon Entertainment, the producers of “The Expanse,” also made a statement, saying they could not be more excited that the show will continue on Amazon Prime.

They both added that they are “deeply grateful” to Amazon Studios' new head, Jeff Bezos, along with Jen Salke and the Amazon team, for having so much faith in the show. They went on to also thank Laura Lancaster, boss of Alcon Television, for her efforts in saving “The Expanse.” The writers also headed to Twitter to say thanks to Amazon.

They continued by thanking sci-fi fans from around the world for their incredible outpouring of support.

He said that from Reddit campaigns through to airplanes, they thank them because their support of "The Expanse" worked.

One cast member, Cas Anvar, also headed to Twitter to thank Amazon for picking the show up.

Fourth season of ‘The Expanse’

The sci-fi series started back in 2015 and had three seasons on SyFy. The space exploration show attracted impressive reviews, with season 3 attracting a 100 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes. This is where one reviewer mentioned that “The Expanse” is to this decade what the incredible show, “Battlestar Galactica,” was to the last decade.

After SyFy announced the cancellation of the show, petitions were launched, asking Amazon to save “The Expanse.” One of these petitions gained more than 100,000 signatures, while the hashtag #SaveTheExpanse trended on social media. Fans of another show, “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” also petitioned, after that series was cancelled by Fox, leading to the show being picked up by another network.