The life of an Oscar-winning actress isn’t just about enjoying your celebrity status at glitzy awards’ ceremonies and ‘A’- list parties. Charlize Theron can certainly vouch for that after piling on the pounds for her latest role in the 2018 comedy-drama ‘Tully’.
Familiar transformation technique
Theron followed a somewhat familiar path as she endeavoured to fill out her frame for the film, having previously put on two stone in weight for the 2003 film ‘Monster’.
That time she binged on doughnuts, as her striking portrayal of serial killer Aileen Wuornos struck a chord with the Academy Award voters in the Best Actress category.
In preparation for ‘Tully’ she opted for a fast food and sugary drinks combination, as over three stones was added to her more commonly slender physique in a mere three and a half months. Besides the weight gain – to keep the weight levels up she had to eat around the clock - she has also referred to a feeling of depression that came over her at the time. It also took Theron around a year and a half to get the weight off after filming had finished.
Whilst the film was being made, Theron outlined how she would often “literally wake up at two in the morning and I’d have a cup of cold macaroni and cheese just next to me.” Forming a vivid image of gluttony, she added that “I would just, like, shove it in my throat.”
Confusing time for her kids
In real life Theron is a mother herself to two young adopted children and the weight gain approach certainly added to their confusion. Six-year-old Jackson and his sister August apparently both believed that she was pregnant at one point in time.
Directed by Canadian Jason Reitman (the son of Ivan who directed ‘Ghostbusters’), ‘Tully’ features Theron as Marlo an overwhelmed mother of three who is gifted a night nanny by her brother.
Despite initial doubts over the extravagance, she gradually becomes friends and forms a strong bond with her thoughtful and occasionally surprising babysitter (Tully) played by Mackenzie Davis (‘The Martian’).
Actors suffering for their art
Tales of suffering for your art, whether it be actually adding weight for a role as in Theron’s case or spending hours on make-overs each day before shooting begins are seemingly becoming commonplace in the movie world. Gary Oldman plumped for the latter option for his triumphant presentation in ‘Darkest Hour’ of leading World War II figure Winston Churchill, the part that also merited him an Oscar in 2018.
Tom Hardy is also said to be undergoing a marked transformation on the set of the latest Al Capone vehicle, ‘Fonzo’ with prosthetics being utilised to modify his features for the role.
‘Tully’ premiered earlier this year at the Sundance Film Festival and is scheduled for general release in the United States on May 4th.