New Delhi: Veteran actor Vinod Khanna, who had been admitted to Mumbai's Hospital for the last few years, has died. He had been suffering from cancer for some time now and died at 70 years of age. From films to politics, Vinod Khanna was quite active. Mr. Vinod was born on 6 October 1946 in Peshawar, Pakistan. After the partition of independence, his family settled down from Pakistan to Mumbai. Khanna was undergoing treatment at Mumbai's HN Reliance Hospital. Recently, one of his photos went viral on social media, after which his son had said that his health was just fine.
V. Khanna had been a veteran actor of Indian films. Since the recruitment to Vinod's hospital, the entire Hindi cinema was praying for his health.
Vinod Khanna: Celebrities met him in hospital
Salman Khan had reached Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital to meet V. Khanna at midnight. Salman Khan had done many films with Mr. Khanna and has considered him as his lucky Mascot and mentor. Apart from Salman Khan, CM Devendra Fadnavis of Maharashtra also reached out to meet him. At the same time, actor Irfan Khan also offered best wishes to V. Khanna for his health. Irrfan Khan said on Thursday that he was surprised to see the recent photo of actor V. Khanna. Irfan Khan wished Vinod to recover soon.
Vinod Khanna: Most expensive actor of 80's
Vinod, a superstar of the 70s and 80s, was the star who made his debut as a villain. In 1968, he started his film journey with Sunil Dutt in the film 'Man ki Mit'. He played negative characters in many films like 'Purab aur Paschim', 'Mera Gaon Mera Desh'. In 1971, he played a major role in 'Hum Tum Aur Woh'.
At the same time, both Vinod and Amitabh Bachchan were at the boom of their Bollywood career. Mr. Khanna was considered as a strong opponent of Amitabh Bachchan, both superstars worked together in films such as 'Mukaddar Ka Sikandar', 'Parvarish', 'Amar Akhtar Anthony'. Vinod was one of the most expensive stars in Bollywood from 1987 to 1994.
Vinod Khanna: Died with 150 films on his credit
Despite being at the peak of his career, Vinod retired from the film industry and became a follower of Osho. He was used to going to Osho's ashram in Pune and was impressed with this extent that he kept several shooting schedules in Pune only. According to many media reports, Vinod went to America after retirement and spent nearly 5 years with Osho. Vinod acted in nearly 150 films in his four decades long cine career. Every character played by the legendary Mr. Khanna is alive in the hearts of cinema lovers.