Rose Villain has recently released her new track ‘Kitty Kitty.’ Following on from the two tracks she has already released ‘Get The F*ck Out My Pool’ and ‘Geisha.’ Originally from Milan, Villain now lives in LA.

She studied at LA's contemporary music conservatory and then moved to New York where she graduated in musical theatre and dramatic arts.

She admits she would love to work with kanye west and has already written a song about him. She is heavily influenced by Drake and The Weeknd.

Rose Villain said: “I love their melodies, Drake has such unique note patterns, immediately recognisable.

Total legend. My favourite song maybe is '6 God.' The Weeknd arrived with an original vibe and without compromises, he won the respect and the appreciation of all audiences. I love 'Wicked Game.' Drake and The Weeknd’s 'Crew Love' is my good night jam/gem.”

Directs her own music videos

Not only does she write her own songs she likes to direct the music video that accompanies them. She said: “To me the visual images are as important as the music, I have a very clear vision and I have a physical need to do it myself, every song has to be a complete little painting, music, lyrics, photography, colours, faces, it's all me and nobody knows me better than myself.”

Rose Villain has a very cinematic approach to music, as when she writes songs she likes to imagine them as thriller movies.

As she enjoys directing her own Music Videos she is also a big fan of movies such as Quentin Tarantino. She said: “I think Tarantino's Grindhouse is one of my faves. Pulp Fiction, Shining and Burn After Reading are a must!”

Strong ties with her music producer

She and her producer SIXPM are so compatible whilst writing and directing music videos that they have moved in together.

They seem to have a very strong connection as Rose Villain just instructs him what image she is imagining for example “I'm the wife of a mobster in Colombia and every morning I make origami at dawn." He then takes that image and can produce a song in half an hour.

She also explained how she is a huge fan of English rock as she told me: “I'm a huge Rolling Stones fan, I would die to see them live, and The Libertines.

Obsessed with English rock.”

She told me how she came up with the idea Rose Villain. She said: “Years ago in LA I formed a stupid punk band called The Villains because we were everything but mean. We were a bunch of nerdy losers and it was hilarious that we were called that. Later on, I became much more evil and kept my name.”