Under the direction of G. Nageswara Reddy, the movie sees Allari Naresh, Krutika Jaykumar and Mouryani in the lead roles with Shakalaka Shankara and Pragathi in supporting cast.
Released on 30th December 2016, Telugu movie "Intlo Deyyam Nakem Bhayam", is a horror comedy flick which makes the audience break into laughter squeals during the first half.
Same routine story! Patchy technical aspects
The story revolves around a youth who tries to make money from a guest house owner. He feigns himself to be a person who can control evil spirits by which the guest house is possessed. The twist comes when this youth realizes that the spirits are actually after him and he has to find ways to deal with them.
Technical aspects of the movie are good except for a few glitches here and there. The director certainly could have done a better job than this. He managed the first half pretty well but over the additional introduction of characters has messed up the second half, and the movie that could have created an impact failed to even bring it back in thoughts.
The movie seems dull on the whole, with patchy parts and in an attempt to create comedy, the director has created monotony.
First-day audience reaction
Music by Sai Karthy is worthwhile but their placement in the movie make them seem like speed breakers rather than appropriate for the situation.
Peals of laughter among the audience
If we talk about only the first half, the movie would be given outstanding credit points as the coordination between the leading star Allari Naresh and other supporting casts to evoke hilariousness is worth a watch and manages to captivate the audience, but suddenly starts to drag in the second half.
Watch trailer video
It is a one -time watch if you have nothing better to do over the weekend and are not that fastidious about story lines.
With an average rating, the movie is being said to be an important movie or the actor Allari Naresh, but one wonders if it would do his career any good.
Another Telugu film "Appatlo Okadundevadu" released today in AP and Telangana. Check out the review and live public response on Blasting News here.