Premiered at the sundance festival 2016, this film has since received mixed views, though for the most part positive. So why all the commotion and controversy?
Swiss Army Man: a stroke of genius?
Written by Dan Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, this has to be one of the most original films to hit the cinema in a long time. The story begins with young Hank (Paul Dano), attempting to hang himself on what appears to be a desert island.
However all does not go to plan, when the body of a man (Daniel Radcliffe) washes up ashore, and for a moment Hank believes he has been saved. However, his first interaction with humanity, is rather lifeless.
The story progresses to young Hank riding the corpse to the mainland. Yes, riding it to mainland. You have to see it to understand. And appearing saved and back in the world, the plot covers the story of the two's story back to civilisation. During which Hank realises the corpse; Manny has several abilities, one being that the corpse begins to talk and falls in love.
It is a beautiful development of plot that allows us to see life from another angle and observe the constraints of social acceptability and world of fake faces we live within.
So we can earn the love of friends, partners and even our parents.
Pick and Mix Film
Some of you after the trailer may have been put off by the absurdity to the films premise. Truth is it will not be everybody's cup of tea. Much like The Lobster, released earlier this year, for those of you who do watch it, it will leave you feeling disturbed, enthralled and inspired. 2016 is shaping up to be an interesting year for film. This one is particular takes you through many low and high tides; from having your heart warm to it feeling ripped from your chest.
Still not encouraged? Head to the film's website for more information, it will give you some background to the writers and directors of the film.
If not give some of the reviews a try, for the most part critics and audiences alike have had a positive response to the film.
Post below to let us know what you thought of the film, or any further comments.