The loyal viewers of Star Plus’s hit television show Yeh Hai Mohobbatein are in for a surprise. The show, which is produced by television Queen Ekta Kapoor’s Balaji Telefilms, is about to take a leap in the upcoming episodes and reports have claimed that Karan Patel – who apparently is obsessed with his hair – will go bald for the show.
Twist in the leap awaiting to unfold
While the storyline is kept under tight wraps, online reports have suggested that Raman Kumar Bhalla’s wife Ishita, played by Divyanka Tripathi, and Raman Bhalla, played by Karan Patel, will not live together but will be living in different cities away from each other.
The leap’s biggest twist is hidden in the birth of Raman and Ishita’s child. On the other hand, Nidhi played by Pavitra Punia will end up getting Ruhi’s custody in the leap and will continue her revenge saga. Nidhi, along with Ruhi, will be shown staying in Dubai which will result in the Bhalla family visiting Dubai to get back Ruhi. Reports claim that Nidhi will kidnap Ishita’s newborn and will ask her to give her the newborn if she wants Ruhi.
Apart from the current cast of the show, a whole new set of cast is being finalized currently and the viewers will get to watch a fresh Yeh Hai Mohobbatein with them.
There is no confirming news as to which actor is going to play the elder version of Ruhi as yet which is currently essayed by the child actor Ruhanika Dhawan and is one of the most loved characters of the show.
Karan Patel agrees to go bald?
Yeh Hai Mohobbatein airs on Star Plus Monday to Saturday at 7.30pm. We must say that the show is getting interesting with every passing episode and the makers are leaving no stone unturned to keep the mystery and plotting at their best. Though reports are suggesting he has confirmed he will go bald in real life, it will be a huge sacrifice by the intense and passionate actor Karan Patel if he actually goes bald for the show rather than sporting a wig for the same. The fact that actors do go through a lot for the sake of playing a character and making it as real as possible is noteworthy.