While other Bollywood stars were celebrating a lovely Valentine’s Day, the king khan Shahrukh Khan woke up to a bad news. His next Bollywood release Raees has been in trouble right from the time it was announced and recently the troubles took a nasty turn when volunteers of a organization threw stones at Shahrukh Khan’s Mercedes car. The car was parked at Hyatt Regency located at Ahmedabad’s Ashram Road where the star is staying. While the hotel security tried to stop the attack, the damage was done and the troublemakers had fled the scene. Post the violent protest, security for Shahrukh Khan has been beefed up at the hotel and on his Raees sets where he will be shooting until the Ahmedabad schedule of the Raees shoot wraps up.
The whole fiasco began in November 2015 with Shahrukh’s misunderstood intolerance in India statement. Shahrukh’s earlier release Dilwale also faced heat due to the misunderstood statement on intolerance. Vishva Hindu Parishad and Bajrang members in Kutch Gujarat had then protested against his statements and the crew of Raees was brought to a standstill. The police have been trying to identify the guys responsible for the current attack through the CCTV footage but the attackers have been reported to be wearing masks thus making their arrest a difficult task indeed. Though they were wearing a mask, the police are reported to be successful in nabbing down one of the accused among the 15-16 who were present.
Also on Sunday 17 members of the BJP Yuva Morcha burned down Shahrukh Khan’s effigy and protest against him outside his hotel. They were arrested in the evening under section 188.
The rear windshield of Shahrukh Khan’s Mercedes has been damaged in the attack where stones were thrown on his car; luckily the star was not in the car at the time of the attack.
Amidst this havoc, Shahrukh Khan and Pakistani actress Mahira Khan who is making her Bollywood debut with Raees shot for a beautiful nikaah scene for the movie at the magical monument of Sarkhej Roza. Directed by Rahul Dholakia Raees stars Shahrukh Khan in the role of a liquor baron in the dry state of Gujarat and is stated to release on July 3 Eid 2016 along with Salman Khan’s much awaited Sultan.