While Ranveer Singh is still riding on the ninth cloud with his last Bollywood historic epic hit Bajirao Mastani, he was seen at his jovial best at the first ever Gap brand store launch in the city of dreams Mumbai. He interacted with fans with a happy smile and also performed on a small jig for them. Bajirao Mastani has been sweeping all awards at all Indian award functions, the happiness of which was clearly seen in Ranveer Singh’s energy at the store launch.
Dressed in a casual white T-shirt of the same brand combined with white sports shoes stripped with red laces, he was looking dapper and cooler than ever. Following his usual unpredictable antics, Ranveer entered the store launch riding a bicycle. The fact that he loves to pose for pictures is not a secret anymore and his fans experienced the live version of it at the store launch when he posed with as many fans as possible for a picture. He is one hell of an actor who knows how to keep his fans happy we must say. The event which took place in Oberoi mall Mumbai witnessed his crazy fans who flocked the mall in thousands to just get a glimpse of the star.
Gap also did a tie up with Mumbai dabbawalas for the launch where it explored the medium of dabbawalas to say #hellomumbai to influencers and famous personalities of Mumbai on the occasion of its first store launch in Mumbai. The quirky tie up resulted into a huge social media buzz for the brand with over 1000 Twitter & Instagram posts and over 7 million impressions.
The obvious question reporters asked him at the event was about his brand consciousness levels to which he is reported to have said that he is not brand conscious but is surely aware of them. The American multinational clothing and accessories brand is said to have created a huge buzz through Ranveer’s presence at the launch.
On the movies front Ranveer is currently busy shooting for his next titled Befikre which being directed by Aditya Chopra after a long directorial break of seven years is being extensively shot in Paris.