Pakistani actor Imran Abbas Naqvi will make his maiden appearance at the Cannes International Film Festival. Since films from Pakistan are a rarity at the Festival De Cannes, presence of a popular face from the country is likely to elate the fans. The film is based on the infamous Kharotabad incident, which was widely discussed in the international arena.
Imran Naqvi, who has been prominently seen in various popular Pakistani dramas including Malaal, Main Manto, Meri Zaat Zarra-E-Benishanwill be visiting Cannes in order to promote the film, set in the backdrop of terrorism.
The film written, produced and directed by Hashim Nadeem focuses on the Kharotabad incident that took place in Quetta in Pakistan in May 2011.
The film is about the incident where five Russian citizens alleged to be suicide bombers were killed in Frontier Constabulary (FC), at the Kharotabad check post. The film has sought inspiration from the widely watched video shot by a journalist, which had gone viral on the internet. The story narrates the life of an eyewitness cop who had reportedly testified against the official account. The cop was reportedly shot dead by an unknown gunman, later.
Kharotabad incident and the cover-up was one of the most widely discussed case, which had grabbed the attention of international media as well as the human right organizations.
Initially, the incident had invited an ire of the local population as they protested against the army personals. The aftermath of the killings had apparently reached a level that Balochistan chief minister Nawab Aslam Raisani had to call for an investigation. A political dictum was issued by the government in favour of the people of Pakistan and a few strict rules were laid for people in uniform.
Filmmaker Hashim Nadeem has given a dramatized version in which he plans to bring to the fore the hard hitting incident to the world. Premiere at Cannes will help the film to reach out to a wider audience.
Imran was last seen in Bollywood horror film titled Creature, opposite Bipasha Basu. He will again be seen in another film called Jaanisar, which is directed by acclaimed filmmaker Muzaffar Ali.