Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar is clearly not bored of casting his favourite actors Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt in his next Film Shhuddhi, just as millions of fans are not tired of watching the two together. The hot pair will be seen in Johar's much talked about next production, which will be directed by Karan Malhotra. Johar had planned Shhuddhi with Hrithik Roshan as the lead, but had to change his plans after the Bang Bang star dropped out.
Karan Johar had planned to bring back the hit pair of Hrithik with Kareena Kapoor, who jointly rocked in Johar's earlier film Kabhie Khushi Kabhie Gham. Last October, Johar had made a Twitter announcement to start the film with Salman Khan, but that did not reportedly work out.
The acclaimed filmmaker, well known for making family films and rom-com, Karan Johar, known popularly as K-Jo, settled down for his favourite actors who he had introduced in the film Student of The Year along with Siddharth Malhotra. Rising sensation Alia Bhatt was again paired with Varun in Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania which was an ode to Shah Rukh Khan starrer Dilwale Duhaniya Le Jayenge.
The Varun and Alia pair is fast getting recognition as Varia.
Salman Khan will now work in his upcoming film Sultan, based on the life of a boxer. He had backed out of Shhuddhi after suggesting Varun as his replacement. His bowing out of the project hasn't caused any bad blood, rather Salman has been quite appreciative about the new actors on the block.
As for Alia Bhatt, she will be seen in an altogether different and stylish makeover in Shhuddhi. Alia was widely applauded for her cool Punjabi girl character in Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania and her acting abilities came into the forefront with Imtiaz Ali's film Highway.
Karan Malhotra earlier directed the film Agneepath starring Hrithik Roshan and Priyanka Chopra. He is lately busy shooting the film Brothers starring Akshay Kumar with Siddharth Malhotra, which will be released in August. The shooting of Shhuddhi will start soon after the release of Brothers.