The teaching profession is at breaking point and staff Wellbeing is at an all-time low. Almost 50% of teachers are leaving the role they have trained for within five years of starting and the pressure has never been so apparent. The role is becoming an increasingly unpopular one with the profession suffering another blow as latest Government figures show recruitment targets have been missed once again.
Government fail to acknowledge growing concerns
The news will not come as a surprise to those working within the education sector. Staff rooms have become darker places in recent years and the feedback is slowly beginning to filter into the public domain. But last month it was announced that immigration laws were to be relaxed as the search for teachers moved abroad.
Statistics between 2010-2015 show that the number of teachers within secondary schools has dropped by over 10,000, whilst primary schools are reflecting the issue as they struggle to recruit highly skilled professionals. Despite the damning figures and a push from MPs to turn the tide, the Department for Education are claiming “there are more teachers in England’s schools now than ever before'.
Perhaps not considering that an increasing population requires more schools.
Budget cuts resulting in greater workload
Many schools are currently preparing for budget cuts with numerous teaching and teaching assistant positions being made redundant as head teachers seek to balance the books.
Those that remain are left with increasing workloads due to a loss of support. Whilst being asked to plan, prepare, assess, and evaluate every session and child, teachers are often racking up more than 50 hours of work per week. It comes as no surprise that staff wellbeing is suffering with work-life balances leaning to one side, it looks set to collapse.
Social media uprising
There seems to be no real Government initiative in place to change the momentum with the powers in charge in denial of what is happening.
Yet groups of teachers are creating an uprising of their own as they look to rekindle the spark for their passion.
Social media seems to be the primary resource, with numerous education discussions supporting CPD ideas for teachers on various evenings. Interestingly, a recent survey on one hour-long exchange of ideas suggested those involved rated their work-life balance above average.
However, there is only so far teachers can push the boundaries. The majority are stuck in a constant spiral of stress and more seem to be leaving than jumping on board the education carousel.