USA travel: 5 weird and wonderful attractions in Los Angeles

Sunken City, Los Angeles - [Image by Erin Johnson/Atlas Obscura/CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0]
Sunken City, Los Angeles - [Image by Erin Johnson/Atlas Obscura/CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0]

A time travel mart, zoo picnic grounds, a sunken city, a necromance shop and a beautiful glass sculpture.

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The Echo Park Time Travel Mart - 1714 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, California, USA

The non-profit time travel mart boats that “whenever you are, we’re already then.” Rather confusing, but the shop sells funny relics allegedly from the past, present and future, including Barbarian Repellant, Robot Emotions, a Clone machine and Michael Jordan pogs.


Old Zoo Picnic Area - Griffith Park Drive, Los Angeles, California

If you’ve ever wondered what it is like to be on the other side in a zoo, here’s your chance. The old Los Angeles Zoo opened with 15 animals in 1912 and many of the enclosures had iron bars, as things were in those days. The old zoo was closed in 1966 when the new zoo was opened elsewhere. While some parts are ugly, picnic benches, tables and barbeque grills have been set up in the more attractive areas of the zoo.

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