5 Game of Thrones filming locations you can visit today

Visit some of the iconic filming locations in "Game of Thrones." [Image BagoGames/Flickr]
Visit some of the iconic filming locations in "Game of Thrones." [Image BagoGames/Flickr]

Take a tour of Winterfell Castle and King's Landing, sail on the Karaka, visit Dragonstone and the treacherous Frostfangs.

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Take a tour of five Game of Thrones filming locations

Winterfell Castle - Castle Ward, Northern Ireland

Filming of Winterfell Castle involved some CGI enhancements, with some locations being a composite of a number of places. In the case of the Stark family’s home, it is a composite mixture of Castle Ward in Northern Ireland, pictured here, and Doune Castle in Scotland, pictured under No. 2.


Winterfell Castle - Doune Castle, Scotland

The striking Doune Castle in Scotland is Winterfell Castle's "other half."


King's Landing - Dubrovnik, Croatia

King’s Landing in Westeros was “played” by the Old Town of Dubrovnik in Croatia. Visitors also get the chance to recline on the Iron Throne wearing an appropriate costume while consuming a “dragon blood cocktail.” Yum!

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