5 Hollywood films that bombed at the box office

A lot of popcorn was likely spilled as people left the cinema during these truly awful movies. [Image Pixabay]
A lot of popcorn was likely spilled as people left the cinema during these truly awful movies. [Image Pixabay]

While in many cases critics loved the films, these movies lost an awful lot of money for their creators.

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5 Hollywood movies that lost millions at the box office

Not everyone listens to what the critics have to say. They might say a potentially good movie is bad, or they might praise a film that makes no money for its creators.

The following are five films that bombed horribly at the box office, but in some cases, critics believed them to be good. Others star a constellation of popular Hollywood actors, but just don't make any money.


'Glitter' (2001)

Mariah Carey made her feature film debut in a love story set with the backdrop of the New York club scene. She played a young singer, overcoming a difficult childhood, who begins an exciting and volatile journey to superstardom. The production budget was $22 million (£16.8 million). The domestic gross revenue in the US was $4.3 million (£3.8 million). The gross worldwide revenue was $5.3 million (£4 million) and the estimated loss was $23.7 million (£18.1 million).


'Basic Instinct 2' (2006)

Sharon Stone stars as Catherine Tramell, has an accident killing her boyfriend, police search her car and find illegal drugs. Prosecutors send her to a psychiatrist, who determines she could be a dangerous woman. However, this doesn’t stop him from having a sexually charged relationship with her. Production budget $70 million (£53 million), US domestic gross revenue $6 million (£4.6 million), worldwide revenue $38.7 million (£29.6 million). Estimated loss $39.1 million (£29.9 million).

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