Twitter reacts to news Ivanka Trump used personal email for government business

Ivanka Trump has reportedly been sending White House emails using a personal email address. [Image Michael Vadon/Wikimedia
Ivanka Trump has reportedly been sending White House emails using a personal email address. [Image Michael Vadon/Wikimedia

News just hit the airwaves that Ivanka Trump was using a personal email address to send White House related emails, causing Twitter to react strongly.

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Ivanka Trump used personal email account for White House business

Around two years after a major controversy raised its head over the fact that Hillary Clinton had used a private email server to send government-related emails, another person is in hot water for the same reason. Ivanka Trump has reportedly been caught out using a personal email address for sending White House administration emails.

In the past, the words "Lock her up!" reverberated from US President Donald Trump's mouth and Twitter account. It will be interesting to see his reaction now his daughter has been caught doing virtually the same thing as "crooked Hillary."

As noted by the Huffington Post, Twitter being Twitter, users couldn't keep their fingers and thumbs off their keyboards and phones once the news broke of Trump's actions, with some hilarious results. The hashtags #IvankaTrump, #ButHerEmails and #LockHerUp are definitely doing the rounds.


Donald Trump's night so far

On top of the current scandal, the Palmer Report referred to Donald Trump's claim that proper raking could have prevented the deadly and devastating California fires, suggesting the Trump family could be well employed doing a little raking in the forest behind their prison.


'Lock her up!'

Deep State Sha-Doh! ‏headed to Twitter with a charming and animated image of Hillary Clinton, asking about Ivanka's emails with the expected hashtag #lockherup.

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