Coach is a professional who is able and willing to lead the coaching process.
No technical prerequisite to enable the coach career is required, but courses in the area are recommended to enhance the coach's performance.
Currently, many professionals leave from their experiences and seek professional expertise for training in coaching.
Typically, the career has attracted professionals from the fields of business administration, psychology, education, communication and journalism. Many of these are professionals who already Work with several teams and hold a leading position - so we are used to promote the development of people.
The professional coach will lead your client (coachee) to reflection so that it re-evaluate your goals and draw action plans. The coach is a facilitator of a process of transformation called coaching.
Fundamental to the coaching process to succeed is to establish a bond of trust between the professional and the client. This link leads to a commitment that must be assumed by the customer, the effective involvement in the process.The credibility that the coach transmits your customer is a decisive factor. It is permeated by the way that leads professional coaching.
And the basis of credibility and the domain of the transformation process is a good training. A coach must have knowledge, skills, technical mastery and tools that enable them to lead the coaching process - and this knowledge is not acquired only with time.
To obtain and master all the characteristics of a successful coach, you must perform a quality course. The good courses that help form a professional coach offer:
Instructors / high technical and practical level facilitators;Consolidation of fundamental knowledge;Presentation of techniques and tools;Applicability of content submitted;Relationship of practice with theory.A professional coach is the one who mastered the method and apply it with discipline.
It will become a good professional coach who combine technical training with personal characteristics such as:
Self knowledge;
Having interest in the human being;
You should like to help people;
Interest in learning, be curious;
Basis consistent ethics, establishing healthy relationships;
Commitment to values;
Responsibility to the method.Coach is a serious career of great impact on the lives of people and organizations. Because of this, one should seek a serious and solid training that teaches the methods and values necessary to maximize the impact of the transformation promoted by coaching.