To achieve a productive meeting it is important that everyone is prepared and know what to expect of the meeting. To this end, the meeting should be organized and the agenda planned. The leader of the meeting must ensure that the agenda be fulfilled and the members must reach a consensus before the end of the meeting. It should also be facilitated democracy and participation of all members of the group, motivating them to give their opinion and propose ideas, so as to provide communication and decision-making, taking into account the points for and against.
It is essential to listen to everyone. Sometimes if you only listen to what they say certain group of people, usually those who speak better and have greater fluency. This should be avoided so as not to forget to listen carefully to the timid, those who are expressed less clearly or those who have a different opinion.
The leader should promote group participation in decision-making. In the life of an organization, decisions must be taken continuously, being the leader lead this process and worrying for everyone to actively participate in this. It should be made clear alternatives at stake and allowing people to give arguments to support either alternative.
There are some rules that make the meetings are faster and with better results.
One is to ask all who wish to present a problem to prepare before answering the questions: What is the problem? What are its causes? What are the possible solutions? What is the best possible solution? And finally, writing your own solution.
With this, we get a lot more action to get things smoothly. Sometimes the best solution can be a combination of two or more of the possible solutions offered.
If you are responsible for the direction of the meeting, try:
* Start the meeting with a brief explanation of why. See then the participants understand.
* Questioning the causes of the problem or subject of the meeting.
* Make summaries of what is being discussed.
* Request possible solutions, seeking to have evidence proving the practicality of each solution.
* Once the matter has been sufficiently discussed, make a final summary and proceed then to the vote. Ideally, all identified solutions have responsible and deadline for implementation.
* Where appropriate, appoint a person or a committee to check whether the decision was made correctly and on time.Avoid express their personal ideas and only do so after the others have expressed. Its main purpose is to lead and not to participate warmly discussion.
* Be flexible. However, if you have more than a dozen people in a meeting, it shall require the person who wants to talk to get your permission.
* Keep active meeting, without deviating from the topic. Ensure that is fast, with short exposures. Intervene when someone want to talk too much or too often, and when someone leaves the subject. Reinforce: "The issue we are discussing is ... Please do not turn away" theme.