Given that our society is composed of several underlying and interdependent collective systems with each other, it is evident the importance of strategic planning to ensure that each system achieves its goals. What happens to be the strategy?
The concept of strategy is ancient, being widely used by the military since its inception. Not surprisingly, some of the key strategists in history came from the barracks.
However, only in the twentieth century that the concept of strategy came to business organizations, with Peter Drucker as one of the early adopters of the concept at the corporate level. Drucker associated the concept of strategy decisions affecting the company's goals. As a result, and with the support of Competitive Intelligence, came the Business Strategy field of study. In turn, strategic planning is the process of defining the goals and guidelines that will lead the organization to achieve these goals.
However, a strategy only becomes effective if well implemented. To this end, organizations are structured under the various arrangements in order to maximize the use of resources at their disposal and with a view to achieving the proposed objectives.
Regarding the organizational culture, it is the value system of organizations to apply to set boundaries that distinguish a collective system of another, lines and even the understanding of employees about what the institutions expect from each.
In his book Foundations of Organizational Behavior, Stephen Paul Robbins maintains that culture is a term that describes the perception of the members of a social system the degree of existence of the following seven characteristics: innovation and propensity to risk, attention to detail, orientation result-orientation to people, orientation to the team, aggression (competitiveness) and stability. Moreover, Robbins says that a strong culture helps to reduce the turnover of the workforce, in that the core values of an organization are intensely heeded and shared.
Thus, culture can contribute to enhance the competitive strategy, since founded on values that allow people to explore as much of themselves in supporting the community. And it goes through a value system that favors equality of social relations in a given environment, as well as repress behaviors that seek to own favor and accommodation. In this context, it must carefully observe the position of informal front groups to the proposed objectives for the organization as well as the social well-being. After all, no institution is sustained for long in feuds and / or privileges to some "people with blue blood" because it implies prune the capabilities of the organization and establish a reasoned basis in knowledge and coercion asymmetries that more resembles a dictatorship .
Therefore, the organizational culture must be aligned to business strategy. And that, as a rule, passes through common as risk acceptance values (since controlled and aimed at innovation), team spirit (which should not be confused with corporatism and patronage), respect, transparency, recognition and continuous improvement and other specific values of each business context.