UCAS is trending on Twitter today for a reason we doubt anybody would have expected. Yep, it seems the university application service cares about more than just your A-Level grades but your monthly period too.

Female students were in for a surpriseafter receiving envelopes full of sanitary products this weekend.

The unusual package came branded with the tagline "because the best times call for the best protection" and was filled with sanitary towels and tampons from the well-known brands Always and Tampax.

Unsurprisingly, many students were left confused by the package, probably even more so from the misleading tagline.

I mean, menstruation is considered the best time? Really Tampax? Which man came up with that marketing miracle?

Hundreds of female students havetaken to Twitter to express their confusion.

"Why has UCAS sent me a package of tampons???", asks a puzzled student Abby.

Ellie was similarly perplexed saying "UCAS have just sent me a parcel full of pads and tampons...never been so confused in my whole life."

Understandably, people have a lot of questions.

"Why has UCAS sent me a whole package filled with different tampons and pads.. I'm so baffled", asked Elena.

Whilst others such as Twitter user @kkaother are wondering if UCAS is suddenly sponsored by Tampax.

Others have assumed the unusual gift must be the to absorb the tears that will flow on A-Level results."Big shout out to UCAS for sending us all tampons so we have something to absorb the tears on results day" laughs Abbie.

Twitter user Shannon appreciates the odd package assuming that "they're for soaking up my tears when I'm drowning in debt and tuition fees".

When approached about the strange and unexpected package, a UCAS spokesperson told iNews that the package was part of a commercial deal.

"UCAS Media regularly works with companies that provide products and services that we think will be useful to students. Female students who have opted in to receive commercial mailings were recently emailed to let them know we would be sending some of these samples."

"As UCAS receives no direct government funding, our commercial work helps keep the cost for students as low as possible.

Applicants can opt-out of receiving these at any time.”

Whilst everyone is stillpretty confused by the package,after the #TamponTax fiasco, we can imagine the free "luxury" gift will be appreciated soon.