Donald Trump set the ball rolling with a tweet that outraged pakistan. He accused the Pak government of harboring terrorists. He pointed out that in return for billions of dollars in aid Pakistan had given back only nothing. These are strong words and a look back will show that at no stage had any American president used such strong language against Pakistan.
The wheel is now turning as the USA has realized that Pakistan is not playing ball in Afghanistan. General Mattis, in a recent visit to Afghanistan, had told troops that the USA had put Pakistan under notice.
NBC has reported that Trump's tweet has unnerved Pakistan, which had given a safe haven to men like Mullah Omar and Osama Bin Laden, who were being hunted by the US armed forces.
Trump accuses
Trump has called a spade a spade when he said that the USA had foolishly given Pakistan 33 billion dollars and in return, the Pak government had done precious little. On the contrary, he accused the Pak government of “lies and deceit” According to Agency France Presse, Trump has hinted that he is considering cutting off aid to Pak for good.
Pakistan joined the US military alliances against Communist Russia and China in 1954. But right from that time, the Pak army and political leadership were not concerned about communists but used the aid and weapons given by the USA to fight India.
It's another story where Pakistan failed and in 1971 the eastern part of Pak broke away and a new state, Bangladesh was created.
Pakistan had its moment in the sun during the Russian occupation of Afghanistan when it became frontline state against Russia and the Americans poured in billions of dollars’ worth of arms and aid.
After the Russian defeat, Pakistan sided with the extremist Taliban that ruled Afghanistan. The Taliban had declared the USA as its enemy number one.
Relations have been going downhill since 2011 after an American military operation neutralized Osama bin Laden, inside a safe house close to the Pak military academy about 100 miles from the capital Islamabad.
Trump has warned Pakistan and now the American permanent rep to the UN Nicky Halley, has also singled out Pakistan for being an unreliable ally.
Last word
The New York Times has reported that the White House was considering whether to withhold $255 million aid to Pakistan because of its failure to target terror groups hostile to the US and Afghanistan.
Pakistan has denied the allegations but it will take more than mere denial to get back into the good books of America.