india's Gorakhpur city sent a shock wave this past week among the entire nation as a report of the deaths of 30 children suffering from encephalitis in a state-run BRD hospital came out. The numbers did not stop there. Later reports suggested that 60 children died in what is being called one of the most heart-wrenching cases of ignorance.
Lack of oxygen was being cited as one of the major reasons which took the lives of the children who were suffering from encephalitis in India's Gorakhpur city which is a part of Uttar Pradesh state. In an interview with NDTV channel, Uttar Pradesh's chief minister Yogi Adityanath said - 'It is a very emotional matter for me as I have been raising the issue of encephalitis for so long.
It would be despicable if lack of oxygen supply caused the deaths.'
Gorakhpur's history with Yogi Adityanath and encephalitis
Gorakhpur's BRD hospital has an average of 200 deaths per bed due to the killer disease of encephalitis. Yogi Adityanath who became Uttar Pradesh's chief minister in 2017 has been the city's member of Parliament since 1998. He raised the issue of this deadly disease in the Parliament quite a few times. According to The Hindu, "this recurring epidemic has killed over 5,000 people since 2010."
The twisting and fabrications of facts have already started. It's not much of a surprise given the nature of politics. This massacre could have been avoided if the hospital had cleared the arrears of the firm that supplied the oxygen cylinders.
The hospital owed 63 lakhs INR to the firm which is roughly £60,000. The firm stopped their services and with ultra-nationalism doing the ring among the entire nation, no one cared.
The blood of so many children is in the hands of Uttar Pradesh's chief minister Yogi Adityanath and his government. Prime Minister Narendra Modi hasn't publicly spoken about the incident which is a disturbing sign.
As it is said that smallest coffins are the heaviest, people are left with nothing but patriotism and nationalism which has been seen as a trend in the nation. The lives are gone and maybe it is time people understand that 'Bless the holy cow' are just four Hindi words vociferated by the politicians to make the Hindu crowd jubilant.
Ultimately it's all about the votes. The Gorakhpur tragedy gives a little dip into the bastion of politicians where the normal working class people got played one more time while the opposition parties had the last laugh.
Will heads roll over the deaths of these children?
Will heads roll? According to the Hindu - probably not, as they reported that "researchers have learnt that the majority of the children being admitted to BRD have scrub typhus". This disease has to be treated in the early stages of the disease...the scrub typhus triggered brain inflammation, which can be very hard to cure."
Ultimately these children had little chance of survival and this is being used to excuse incompetence.