The Russia probe won’t go away for Donald Trump, no matter what lies he concocts to deflect attention from the possibility that his campaign team broke the law. After several high-profile figures have resigned due to the possibility of Russian involvement including former FBI director, James Comey, quitting after Trump asked him not to pursue the case whilst suggesting he could lose his position if he were to continue with the probe.
Much like Donald Trump is to the USA and the rest of the world, the Russia scandal is to Trump, it will not go away.
There is more and more evidence that suggests these links are real.
The Moscow mule
Donald Trump Jr has admitted that he met with Russian officials along with son-in-law, Jared Kushner and then campaign manager Paul Manafort and offered them Information on Hillary Clinton and her campaign. But his father’s involvement has always been that he had not known about it, much like every other meeting with Russian officials by his members of his campaign team. Trump Sr played the ignorance card.
However, information has emerged that Donald Trump had in fact, personally dictated a press statement that purposefully misled the public by downplaying the meeting in 2016. He also intervened when the three who met with the Russians were going to make a full and truthful statement.
This could put the president into all sorts of trouble legally and does this show that Trump knows more about the connections with Russia? Perhaps he is more involved than is known at this current time.