Later today in Saudi Arabia, President Donald Trump is to make a speech to the Arab Islamic American Summit in Riyadh, as part of his current foreign tour.
'A battle between good and evil'
With US National Security Adviser HR McMaster earlier telling the press that Mr. Trump's speech would focus on his "hopes for a peaceful vision of Islam," the leader is expected to directly confront the need for all nations to do more to combat extremism. In leaked fragments of the speech reported by the BBC, it is anticipated the leader will talk about the battle against terror as, "not a battle between different faiths" but rather "a battle between good and evil".
Given the President's previous tendencies to divert wildly away from the scrip to engage in impromptu impassioned rants in the past, some are concerned that he may overstep the mark. His go-to terms in the past such as "radical Islamic terror" have caused widespread offence to Muslims worldwide, so one can only imagine the administration in Washington will be awaiting his speech with baited breath.
'Barbarism will bring you no glory'
The President is expected to bluntly point out that "Religious leaders must make this absolutely clear: barbarism will deliver you no glory - piety to evil will bring you no dignity...If you choose the path of terror, your life will be empty, your life will be brief, and your soul will be condemned."
Despite proposing a ban on Muslims entering the US during his campaign, Donald Trump has been warmly received by the leadership of Saudi Arabia from the moment he walked down the steps of Air Force One yesterday.
Many were intrigued by First Lady Melania's decision not to wear a headscarf, given her husband's fierce criticism of previous First Lady Michelle Obama for doing the same in 2015. As her spouse was greeted by leaders and officials on the red carpet, she appeared to be ignored, left to walk behind the party alone.
Many people are saying it was wonderful that Mrs. Obama refused to wear a scarf in Saudi Arabia, but they were insulted.We have enuf enemies
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 29, 2015
The King Abdulaziz medal
Yesterday saw the President attend a traditional sword dance, swaying and grinning somewhat awkwardly before attending a banquet.
Mr. Trump has also been awarded the highest civilian honor Saudi Arabia has to offer, the King Abdulaziz medal.
One thing, however, is for certain - the eyes and ears of the world will be on Mr. Trump and the Capitol throughout the whole of next week, as he faces one of the most tumultuous and uncertain periods of his Presidency yet.