The boy became intrigued by intense incest pornography he found online after typing in search terms into the internet. With young people having more access to hardcore pornography, cases such as this one will be more common.

The story so far

The unnamed boy who is now 14 was 12 at the time when he raped his sister who was just under 9 years old. After the girl had told her mother what had been happening, the boy said that she wanted and agreed to the sex.

The boy had even told his sister that if she didn't have sex with him that "she wouldn't be his sister anymore", that is what the prospector told the court.

"The acts had taken place in her bedroom at a time where the boy knew he wouldn't be interrupted" said prosecutor, Ian Fenney

The boy, from Gloucestershire, pleaded guilty to the six charges of raping a female minor during July of 2015 at Cheltenham Magistrates Court. He was sentenced to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for 5 years. The conditions of this order meant the boy can't contact his sister or anyone under the age of 16. He is also living in a supervised in an treatment unit.

The police regularly monitors his internet usage, so even though he can use the internet he is not allowed to delete his internet search history.

The criminal will come out of the treatment unit at the age of 16 but will be monitored until the age of 19. However he is not a persistent offender as this is his first conviction and is only 12 when it happened. This means he will not get a custodial sentence.  

Due to what the offence included he may not be able to return home after leaving the treatment unit, as his sister will still be at home.

A lot can happen depending on where the boy is at that stage. He was 12 at the time of the offence and is now 14 which can be a significant factor. Especially as youths mature at different rates.

Another problem is that the internet is now easily available to whoever is smart enough to use it. Therefore the boy was possibly exposed to inappropriate material at a young age. 

However this doesn't mean what he did was any less inappropriate.