Anthony Garotinho, who is a former governor of Rio de Janeiro state, was transferred from a hospital to the José Frederico Marques Prison, known as Bangu in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His previous requests to be transferred to a private hospital were denied, and he was treated at a public hospital, instead, before being sent to the notorious state prison.
Family members attempted to prevent his arrest
The daughter of the former governor, who is also a politician, can be seen in a video crying and screaming "my father is not a criminal".
She requested to accompany him in the ambulance but federal agents refused. Brazilian TV stations caught the dramatic scenes, showing distraught family members and health workers arguing while he was escorted by the Federal Police to an ambulance. They begged and pleaded, trying to prevent his arrest, to no avail.
Anthony Garotinho's political decline
Anthony Garotinho's troubles began in 2010 when he was considered ineligible to run for public office due to allegations of abuse of economic power and misuse of communication and social media in the 2008 elections. According to Judge Glaucenir Silva de Oliveira, Garotinho ruled with an "iron hand" a "true corruption electoral scheme" in Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ.
The 'car wash' operation
He is suspected of receiving bribes for the concession of public works. The case is a coordinated action between two states in an operation known in Brazil as "Lava Jato" or "Car Wash". The operation implicated several high-level politicians including former president Lula Luis Inacio da Silva and his fellow party member and former president Dilma Roussef, resulting in her impeachment. Ms. Rousseff alleged that opponents were trying to initiate a coup against her and her party. She was impeached on May 2016.
Petrobras officials involvement
Investigations revealed that officials of Brazilian Petro company Petrobras were also involved, resulting in investor's loss of trust and damaging the company's image.
Federal Police suspects this web of corruption involving high-level political figures has cost as much as 40 billion R$ to public budget. The investigation is ongoing and more arrests are expected.
Brazil is fighting its worst recession in a century.