Vaio Corporation officially announced the launch of Vaio Phone, the brand's first Smartphone. This is also its first venture after the split up from Sony, after the japanese electronics giant decided to sell their laptops division and completed the sale last year. According to the website MeioBit, this is a rebrand of Panasonic Eluga U2, launched in Taiwan last February. However, there is no present expectation to get the Vaio Phone outside Japan.
The equipment comes with a quad-core CPU at 1.2 GHz, 5-inch display, 16 Gb hard drive, 2 Gb RAM and runs Android 5.0 (Lollipop). The Vaio Phone also includes a 13 MP rear camera, capable of video recording at 1080p. According to the website Androidcentral, the equipment includes also a front-facing camera, about 5 MP. This is a mid-range smartphone, without being a revolutionary one.
The japanese company has also announced that the Vaio Phone will come with an unlimited data plan. The average japanese user will be able to take good, high-resolution pictures and browse its apps with no concerns.
According to Engadget Japan, and although Vaio did not mention it, the processor will be the Snapdragon 410. Users can expand storage with a microSD card up to 64 GB.
The new Vaio Phone is presented in a partnership with japanese operator B-mobile, meaning what one would expect, for now: Vaio is focusing on its home market, before leaving to conquer the world. Vaio Phone's price, at present currency exchange rate, is £22 per month, which seems somewhat high considering its features (including the unlimited plan). Some tech-dedicated websites notice that the new company hasn't lost Sony's "spirit", aiming to capitalize the power of Vaio brand, applying a premium price tag. However, the 4000 yen price also means that the equipment is really Japan exclusive.
At the moment, there is no prediction of time to launch Vaio Phone on Europe.
Vaio Corporation was born in 2014, after Sony decided to focus on Playstation, its flagship product, and other entertainment-related ventures. Japan Industrial Partners (JIP) took control of the brand and decided to focus exclusively on Japan market. Vaio laptops disappeared from worldwide stores, but one can hope that someday they may return, as the new company might overcome the problems that previous owner Sony was facing.