The pride of place in Indian cinema invariably went to Hindi cinema represented by the name Bollywood. Times appear to have changed as the Tamil Film Bagubali 2 has beaten all Bollywood films at the Box Office. The film is a sequel to an earlier film Bahubali which was also a commercial success. The film has been dubbed in four languages including Hindi. It is also dubbed in Telegu, Kannada, and Malayalam.

Latest box office reports indicate that the film grossed over Rupees 1000 crores ( one billion dollars). No Indian Film has remotely touched this figure for the last many decades. The Hindi version alone grossed Rs 400 crores. This makes it a big hit even in Hindi.

Bahubali 2 a fantasy

Bahubali 2 is a fantasy of an imaginary era in India where chivalry was a byword. It has special effects and showcases Hindu culture and animal life. Hundreds of elephants share the screen. In short, the film is an epic and nobody in India has attempted grandeur before on this scale. There are also some lovely fantasy scenes that transport a viewer to a world of fun and make-believe.

Bahubali 2 is not only a hit in India but the Indian diaspora abroad in the UK, USA, and Canada have loved it. In addition, the Middle East audience has enjoyed the film where it has surpassed Hollywood films in popularity.

The film

The film is a bit lengthy which one can consider a drawback. However, the public has loved it and that is what matters. The special effects are superb and the battle scenes recreate the warfare of an age long past. The public loves the references to Hindu mythology which dominate the film. The cast led by Anushka Shetty and Prabhas have done a great job. The hero is more than a match for most Bollywood film heroes. It will be interesting to see if he can make a mark in Bollywood.

No Tamil hero has been a success ever in Bollywood though many girls have done well.

There are reports that producer SS Rajouli is planning a third installment of the Bahubal saga. It's a good idea as the public is now engrossed with the characters of the film which has stormed the box office.

India's costliest film

The film was released with massive publicity. It was simultaneously released in 1,000 theaters. It is also the costliest film ever made in India. It will be a good idea to dub the film in English and let foreign clientele also savor this delightful fantasy.

Indian cinema is now coming of age and catching up to Hollywood. Already the largest number of films are made in India and Hollywood is far behind.