Aamir Khan's new release "Dangal" is creating a money-spinning revolution in the Indian theaters, as it collected more than Rs 132 Crores in its first weekend, marking the highest first-weekend collection for an Aamir Khan film. The figures were unveiled by trade expert Taran Adarsh, and through his official Twitter account, he affirmed that this movie is smashing records and setting new benchmarks.
On the first day, "Dangal" collected nearly Rs 30 Crores, this figure is inclusive of the Tamil and Telugu dubbed versions released in the respective states. The second day and third day marked a collection of Rs 35 and Rs 42 Crores, the fourth day earning was Rs 25.48 according to the analyst which made the overall figure a whopping Rs 132.43 Crores.
'Dangal' doing well in US and Australia
It should be also noted that "Dangal" is doing exceptionally well in overseas centers too. As of now, the movie has collected more than 2.5 Crores from Australia.
From the United Kingdom and Ireland, it has grossed nearly 5 Crores in its first weekend.
Credible sources to the movie state that it has collected nearly Rs 28 Crores exclusively from overseas market.
India box-office earnings
The unanimously positive reviews from day one have played a crucial role in determining the success of "Dangal" in the box-office. Audiences are praising Nitesh Tiwari for crafting such a real gem of a film, while many others are lauding the film, by saying that it's the most successful sports movie ever made in the history of Indian Cinema.
Public review
This biographical sports drama showcases the story of Mahavir Singh Phogat, a daring wrestler who is now in his middle ages. Actor Aamir tweeted to thank all his fans for watching the movie and appreciating it.
Through his daughters, the wrestler makes his dreams come true. Aamir Khan, the Mr. Perfectionist of Indian Cinema, showcased two different looks in this film, and his makeover as an old man and muscular wrestler will surely wow audiences. With no other Hindi releases this weekend, the film is expected to continue its box-office run and enter the Rs 200 crore club.